actions in benin

Benin is part of the 20 poorest countries in the world, with a GDP per capita of $709. The limited financial resources available to the Beninese State limit the impact of the social policies implemented in favour of the most vulnerable, first and foremost street children, who are marginalized from society.
In this context was born International Citizen of the Streets Benin, in 2011, a local partner association of ICS. In 7 years, the local structure has supported nearly 700 street children in the Sonagnon Centre in Cotonou, offering them an individual rehabilitation programme including access to the centre, healthcare, suitable food and hygiene.
Beyond the essential needs, ICSB also offers a weekly planning of activities including sports, educational activities as well as a psycho-social support provided by a psychologist. The planning also includes a personalised follow-up by a social worker as well as family mediation.
In 2019, ICS Benin welcomed about 180 children from 7 to 18 years old. Within the framework of autonomisation implemented between International Citizen of the Streets and its local partners, the Food Bank project has grown significantly. Thanks to the contribution of its partner "The International Chorba", ICS Benin now benefits from a system of 'collection - storage - redistribution' allowing the food autonomy of the centre.
The objective for 2020 is now to take the association one step further, by achieving the project of a Reception and Learning Centre (RLC) that will accommodate full-time (night and day) about forty street children from 15 to 18 years old. Professional workshops will be offered to ensure their insertion into the world of work and, in the long term, to enable them to become financially independent.
This project will respond in particular to Sustainable Development Goal number 5: "Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls". Indeed, this centre will be adapted to welcome about twenty young girls.